H o w t o B u y
Ridge Technologies product ranges are available from a number of distributors and resellers in different countries or regions or specific market segments as listed under the "Reseller" heading from the top menu.
If you are not supported by a reseller in your area you may buy directly from Ridge Technologies Pty Ltd, however please bear in mind that our offices are in Lilydale in Victoria, Australia and that freight may be expensive to your particular region.
Orders: may be placed by email to info@ridge.com.au , by Fax or by Phone to: (+61) 3 9735 1888
Payment: by Visa or Mastercard and we also accept Direct Deposits to our Bank account:
Direct Deposit Details:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, 66-92 Main Street, Croydon, Victoria, 3136, Australia.
BSB # 063-124, A/C # 10485752
We will also accept company or personal cheques but goods may not be shipped until cheques are cleared by our bank.
email info@ridge.com.au
© Copyright 1997 - 2015 Ridge Technologies Pty Ltd (ACN 080 734 925)