L i n u x L i n k s
If you are interested in more Linux links - please browse through our ever-growing list - as always, if you feel we have missed your site - please let us know.
Distributions (The Core)
Redhat Linux is one of the forefront distributions, it is easy to install, update and learn - one of the best choices for beginners. RedHat have recently released version 6.1 of their distribution (Cartman) - which includes various enhancements, updated libraries, security fixes and a completely new GUI Based Install Program, making it easier than ever before to dive into Linux.
Stampede Linux is a distribution aimed at the power user - it supports full optimizations on all of it's files for the Pentium CPU. Although not easily installed - Stampede is a good choice for Unix administrators or NT admins looking for a new challenge.
Window Managers (The GUI)
Enlightenment - the next generation WM. It looks totally unlike anything you've ever seen before
The GNOME Desktop Environment - Consists of many small utilities and larger applications which share a consistent look and feel. We use GNOME exclusively amongst our Linux based desktops.
- GNOME 1.0.40 has been released -
The GNOME Developers have released version 1.0.40. This release includes tons of the normal bugfixes, new features, new icons by the gnome-icon development team and a easier upgrade path than previous releases.
For information on this release - please visit http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/938200295/index_html
- GNOME 1.0.50pre also available - `
For those of you running RPM (RedHat, Caldera or Mandrake Linux), Dax Kelson has updated RPMs of the 1.0.50 pre-releases available at: ftp://ftp.gurulabs.com/pub/gnome/updates/1.0.50pre/
Windows is Not an Emulator - WINE allows the use of Windows Software on a Linux computer.
Corel Wordperfect 8 for Linux - now works with Microsoft Word 97 files.
Mozilla - the Free version of Netscape see Mozillazine for more Mozilla developments
News Sites
(for up to date Linux news)
Freshmeat.net is the place to find new software releases for Linux.. updated daily.
Slashdot.org - News for Nerd's - Everything you need to know about the geek universe (several Linux articles).
FTP (Direct Download) Sites
The following are FTP sites where you can download a full distribution of Linux and related components (please use the links via an FTP program such as BulletProof FTP, not via your browser)
Redhat Linux (stable) - ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub
Debian Linux (Stable) - ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/slink/
Stampede Linux (Stable) - ftp://ftp.stampede.org/stampedelinux/stable/latest/
Trinux (Development) - ftp://www.trinux.org/pub/trinux/
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